Version: develop

Linear Solver

Solving linear equations is a common task in scientific computing. Taichi provides basic direct and iterative linear solvers for various simulation scenarios. Currently, there are two categories of linear solvers available:

  1. Solvers built for SparseMatrix, including:
  • Direct solver SparseSolver
  • Iterative (conjugate-gradient method) solver SparseCG
  1. Solvers built for LinearOperator
  • Iterative (matrix-free conjugate-gradient method) solver MatrixfreeCG

It's important to understand that those solvers are built for specific types of matrices. For example, if you built a coefficient matrix A as a SparseMatrix, then you can only use SparseSolver or SparseCG to solve the corresponding linear system. Below we will explain the usage of each type of solvers.


There are two types of linear solvers available for SparseMatrix, direct solver and iterative solver.

Sparse direct solver

To solve a linear system whose coefficient matrix is a SparseMatrix using a direct method, follow the steps below:

  1. 使用 ti.linalg.SparseSolver(solver_type, ordering) 创建一个solver。 Currently, the factorization types supported on CPU backends are LLT, LDLT, and LU, and supported orderings include AMD and COLAMD. The sparse solver on CUDA supports the LLT factorization type only.
  2. 使用 solver.analyze_pattern(Sparse_matrix)solver.factorize(Sparse_matrix) 分析和因式分解您想要求解的稀疏矩阵。
  3. Call x = solver.solve(b), where x is the solution and b is the right-hand side of the linear system. On CPU backends, x and b can be NumPy arrays, Taichi Ndarrays, or Taichi fields. On the CUDA backend, x and b must be Taichi Ndarrays.
  4. 调用 solver.info() 来检查求解过程是否成功。


import taichi as ti

arch = ti.cpu # or ti.cuda

n = 4

K = ti.linalg.SparseMatrixBuilder(n, n, max_num_triplets=100)
b = ti.ndarray(ti.f32, shape=n)

def fill(A: ti.types.sparse_matrix_builder(), b: ti.types.ndarray(), interval: ti.i32):
for i in range(n):
A[i, i] += 2.0

if i % interval == 0:
b[i] += 1.0

fill(K, b, 3)

A = K.build()
print(">>>> Matrix A:")
print(">>>> Vector b:")
# outputs:
# >>>> Matrix A:
# [2, 0, 0, 0]
# [0, 2, 0, 0]
# [0, 0, 2, 0]
# [0, 0, 0, 2]
# >>>> Vector b:
# [1. 0. 0. 1.]
solver = ti.linalg.SparseSolver(solver_type="LLT")
x = solver.solve(b)
success = solver.info()
print(">>>> Solve sparse linear systems Ax = b with the solution x:")
print(f">>>> Computation succeed: {success}")
# outputs:
# >>>> Solve sparse linear systems Ax = b with the solution x:
# [0.5 0. 0. 0.5]
# >>>> Computation was successful?: True


  • Stable fluid: 使用 稀疏 Laplacian 矩阵来求解 Poisson 压力方程的一个二维流体模拟项目。
  • Implicit mass spring: 一个用稀疏矩阵求解线性系统的二维布料仿真项目。

Sparse iterative solver

To solve a linear system whose coefficient matrix is a SparseMatrix using a iterative (conjugate-gradient) method, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a solver using ti.linalg.SparseCG(A, b, x0, max_iter, atol), where A is a SparseMatrix that stores the coefficient matrix of the linear system, b is the right-hand side of the equations, x0 is the initial guess and atol is the absolute tolerance threshold.
  2. Call x, exit_code = solver.solve() to obtain the solution x along with the exit_code that indicates the status of the solution. exit_code should be True if the solving was successful. Here is an example:
import taichi as ti


n = 4

K = ti.linalg.SparseMatrixBuilder(n, n, max_num_triplets=100)
b = ti.ndarray(ti.f32, shape=n)

def fill(A: ti.types.sparse_matrix_builder(), b: ti.types.ndarray(), interval: ti.i32):
for i in range(n):
A[i, i] += 2.0
if i % interval == 0:
b[i] += 1.0

fill(K, b, 3)

A = K.build()
print(">>>> Matrix A:")
print(">>>> Vector b:")
# outputs:
# >>>> Matrix A:
# [2, 0, 0, 0]
# [0, 2, 0, 0]
# [0, 0, 2, 0]
# [0, 0, 0, 2]
# >>>> Vector b:
# [1. 0. 0. 1.]
solver = ti.linalg.SparseCG(A, b)
x, exit_code = solver.solve()
print(">>>> Solve sparse linear systems Ax = b with the solution x:")
print(f">>>> Computation was successful?: {exit_code}")
# outputs:
# >>>> Solve sparse linear systems Ax = b with the solution x:
# [0.5 0. 0. 0.5]
# >>>> Computation was successful?: True

Note that the building process of SparseMatrix A is exactly the same as in the case of SparseSolver, the only difference here is that we created a solver whose type is SparseCG instead of SparseSolver.

Matrix-free iterative solver

Apart from SparseMatrix as an efficient representation of matrices, Taichi also support the LinearOperator type, which is a matrix-free representation of matrices. Keep in mind that matrices can be seen as a linear transformation from an input vector to a output vector, it is possible to encapsulate the information of a matrice as a LinearOperator.

To create a LinearOperator in Taichi, we first need to define a kernel that represent the linear transformation:

import taichi as ti
from taichi.linalg import LinearOperator


def compute_matrix_vector(v:ti.template(), mv:ti.template()):
for i in v:
mv[i] = 2 * v[i]

In this case, compute_matrix_vector kernel accepts an input vector v and calculates the corresponding matrix-vector product mv. It is mathematically equal to a matrice whose diagonal elements are all 2. In the case of n=4, the equivalent matrice A is:

# >>>> Matrix A:
# [2, 0, 0, 0]
# [0, 2, 0, 0]
# [0, 0, 2, 0]
# [0, 0, 0, 2]

Then we can create the LinearOperator as follows:

A = LinearOperator(compute_matrix_vector)

To solve a system of linear equations represented by this LinearOperator, we can use the built-in matrix-free solver MatrixFreeCG. Here is a full example:

import taichi as ti
import math
from taichi.linalg import MatrixFreeCG, LinearOperator


GRID = 4
Ax = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(GRID, GRID))
x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(GRID, GRID))
b = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(GRID, GRID))

def init():
for i, j in ti.ndrange(GRID, GRID):
xl = i / (GRID - 1)
yl = j / (GRID - 1)
b[i, j] = ti.sin(2 * math.pi * xl) * ti.sin(2 * math.pi * yl)
x[i, j] = 0.0

def compute_Ax(v: ti.template(), mv: ti.template()):
for i, j in v:
l = v[i - 1, j] if i - 1 >= 0 else 0.0
r = v[i + 1, j] if i + 1 <= GRID - 1 else 0.0
t = v[i, j + 1] if j + 1 <= GRID - 1 else 0.0
b = v[i, j - 1] if j - 1 >= 0 else 0.0
# Avoid ill-conditioned matrix A
mv[i, j] = 20 * v[i, j] - l - r - t - b

A = LinearOperator(compute_Ax)
MatrixFreeCG(A, b, x, maxiter=10 * GRID * GRID, tol=1e-18, quiet=True)